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Daftar Pustaka - SKRIPSI - Wittria Nugroheni - 00121070 - S1 Keperawatan.pdf - Published Version Available under License Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication. Download (503kB) |
PROGRAM STUDI ILMU KEPERAWATAN FAKULTAS ILMU KESEHATAN UNIVERSITAS AWAL BROS Skripsi, Agustus 2023 Wittria Nugroheni Hubungan Waktu Tunggu Operasi dengan Kecemasan Pasien Pre Operasi Di Instalasi Bedah Sentral RSUD Kota Tanjungpinang 85 halaman + 6 tabel + 1 gambar + 2 skema + 10 lampiran ABSTRAK Waktu tunggu operasi elektif merujuk pada periode antara penjadwalan operas oleh pasien dan pelaksanaanya. Beberapa jenis pembedahan atau operasi memerlukan persiapan pre operasi tambahan sebelum pelaksanaanya seperti pemeriksaan penunjang medis tertentu, persiapan darah dan evalusi dari dokter spesialis lainnya. Hal ini dapat memperpanjang waktu tunggu dan dapat meningkatkan tingkat kecemasan pasien.Waktu tunggu operasi adalah tenggang waktu mulai dokter memutuskan untuk operasi yang terencana sampai dengan operasi mulai dilaksankan. Waktu tunggu operasi yang lama akan menimbulkan perasaan cemas, bosan dan stress bagi pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan waktu tunggu operasi dengan kecemasan pre operasi Di Instalasi Bedah Sentral RSUD kota Tanjungpinang. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien pre operasi yang sedang menunggu jadwal operasi sebanyak 61 orang dan data dianalisa menggunakan uji Rank Spearmank. Hasil penelitian di dapatkan hasil uji statistic menunjukkan ada hubungan antara lama waktu tunggu operasi dengan kecemasan pre operasi Di Instalasi Bedah Sentral RSUD Kota Tanjungpinang. Di dapatkan p value 0,000 < 0,05 dengan correlation coefficient 0,474 yang berarti hubungannya cukup kuat. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu petugas Kesehatan terutama di ruang rawat inap dan Instalasi Bedah Sentral dalam melaksanakan penanganan terhadap persiapan pasien pre operasi sehingga dapat mengurangi kecemasan pasien menunggu waktu operasinya. Rekomendasi untuk peneliti selanjutnya selain waktu tunggu operasi ada faktor lain yang mempengaruhi kecemasan pre operasi yaitu usia, jenis kelamin dan tingkat Pendidikan. Kata kunci : Waktu tunggu operasi, Kecemasan, Pre Operasi NURSING SCIENCE PROGRAM FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCE AWAL BROS UNIVERSITY Mini Thesis, August 2023 Wittria Nugroheni Correlation between waiting time for surgery and preoperative patient anxiety at the Central Surgical Installation of the Tanjungpinang City Hospital 85 Pages + 6 Tables + 1 Picture + 2 Schemes + 10 Attachments ABSTRACT The wait time for elective operations refers to the period between scheduling operation by the patient and its implementation. Some types of surgery or surgery require additional preoperative preparation before its implementation such as certain medical supporting examinations, blood preparations and evaluations from other specialists. This can extend waiting times and can increase the patient's anxiety levels.The waiting time for surgery is the grace period from when the doctor decides to have a planned operation until the operation begins to be performed. Long waiting times for surgery will cause feelings of anxiety, boredom and stress for patients. This study aims to determine the relationship between surgery waiting time and preoperative anxiety at the Central Surgical Installation of Tanjungpinang City Hospital. The design of this study is quantitative descriptive with a cross sectional approach. The sample in this study was preoperative patients who were waiting for surgery schedule as many as 61 people and the data were analyzed using the Spearmank Rank test. The results of the study obtained statisticaltest results showed that there was a relationship between the length of waiting time for surgery and preoperative anxiety at the Central Surgical Installation of Tanjungpinang City Hospital. We get p values of 0.000 < 0.05 with a correlation coefficient of 0.474 which means the relationship is quite strong. The results of this study are expected to help health workers, especially in inpatient rooms and Central Surgical Installations in carrying out handling of preoperative patient preparation so as to reduce patient anxiety waiting for the time of surgery. Recommendations for future researchers are that in addition to surgery waiting time there are other factors that influence preoperative anxiety, namely age, gender and education level. Keywords : Waiting time for surgery, Anxiety, Preoperation
Item Type: | Thesis (S1 Ilmu Keperawatan) |
Subjects: | S1 Keperawatan dan Profesi Ners > Keperawatan Medikal Bedah |
Divisions: | S1 Keperawatan |
Depositing User: | lib. psdku. univawalbros |
Date Deposited: | 15 Jul 2024 08:24 |
Last Modified: | 15 Jul 2024 08:24 |
URI: | |
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