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PROGRAM STUDI ILMU KEPERAWATAN FAKULTAS ILMU KESEHATAN UNIVERSITAS AWAL BROS BATAM Skripsi, September 2023 Ade Novianty Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kepatuhan Perawat Dalam Melakukan Oral hygiene Diruang ICU Dan HCU Rumah Sakit Raja Ahmad Tabib Tanjungpinang. 109 hal + 7 tabel + 2 skema + 11 lampiran ABSTRAK Oral hygiene merupakan salah satu tindakan keperawatan yang dilakukan agar kondisi rongga mulut tetap bersih dan segar sehingga terhindar dari infeksi. Pasien di ruang ICU dan HCU sangat berisiko terkena infeksi serta kolonisasi di dalam mulut. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepatuhan perawat dalam melakukan oral hygiene di Ruang ICU dan HCU.Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan rancangan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional pada 35 responden perawat Ruang ICU dan HCU RSUD Raja Ahmad Tabib Tanjungpinang. Teknik pengambilan sample menggunakan Total Sampling yaitu 35 perawat pelaksana di Ruang ICU dan HCU RSUD Raja Ahmad Tabib Tanjungpinang. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner dan observasi langsung dengan Uji korelasi Chi-Square dengan tingkat kemaknaan α 0,05. Hasil analisa univariat mayoritas usia perawat di ICU 3035 tahun (74,3%), jenis kelamin perempuan (22,9%), pendidikan D3 (54,3%), masa kerja 610 tahun (71,4%), pengetahuan perawat tinggi (82,9%), sikap perawat positif (82,9%), motivasi perawat tinggi (85,7%), kepatuhan perawat dalam melakukan oral hygiene adalah patuh (85,7%). Hasil analisa bivariat secara statistik ada hubungan bermakna antara pengetahuan (p 0,000), sikap (p 0,000), dan motivasi (p0,000) dengan kepatuhan perawat dalam melakukan oral hygiene di RSUD Raja Ahmad Tabib Tanjungpinang. Diharapkan perawat intensive RSUD Raja Ahmad Tabib Tanjungpinang lebih meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan motivasinya mengenai oral hygiene dan bagi Rumah Sakit diharapkan untuk mengadakan sosialisasi dan pelatihan tentang pentingnya pelaksanaan oral hygiene sebagai upaya menurunkan kejadian infeksi pada pasien. Kata Kunci : Kepatuhan, pengetahuan, sikap, motivasi NURSING STUDY PROGRAM FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF AWAL BROS BATAM Thesis, September 2023 Ade Novianty Factors Influencing Nurse Compliance in Performing Oral Hygiene in the ICU and HCU Rooms of Raja Ahmad Tabib Tanjungpinang Hospital. 109 things + 7 tables + 2 schematics + 11 attachments ABSTRACT Oral hygiene is one of the nursing actions that are carried out so that the condition of the oral cavity remains clean and fresh so as to avoid infection. Patients in the ICU and HCU are at high risk of infection and oral colonization. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence nurse compliance in performing oral hygiene in the ICU and HCU rooms. The design used in this study was quantitative using a descriptiveanalytic study design with a cross-sectional approach to 35 respondents from nurses in the ICU and HCU rooms at Raja Ahmad Tabib Tanjungpinang Hospital. The sampling technique used Total Sampling, namely 35 implementing nurses who worked in the ICU and HCU rooms at Raja Ahmad Tabib Tanjungpinang Hospital. Retrieval of data using a questionnaire and direct observation with the Chi-Square correlation test with a significance level of α 0.05. The results of the univariate analysis of the majority of nurses in the ICU are 30-35 years old (74.3%), female sex (22.9%), D3 education (54.3%), working period 6-10 years (71.4%), high nurse knowledge (82.9%), positive nurse attitude (82.9%), high nurse motivation (85.7%), nurse compliance in performing oral hygiene is obedient (85.7%). The results of the statistical bivariate analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between knowledge (p 0.000), attitude (p 0.000), and motivation (p 0.000) with nurse compliance in performing oral hygiene at Raja Ahmad Tabib Tanjungpinang Hospital. It is hoped that the intensive care nurse at the Raja Ahmad Tabib Tanjungpinang Hospital will further increase their knowledge, attitude, and motivation regarding oral hygiene, and for the Hospital it is hoped that they will conduct socialization and training on the importance of implementing oral hygiene as an effort to reduce the incidence of infection in patients. Keywords : Compliance, knowledge, attitude, motivation
Item Type: | Thesis (S1 Ilmu Keperawatan) |
Subjects: | S1 Keperawatan dan Profesi Ners > Manajemen Keperawatan |
Divisions: | S1 Keperawatan |
Depositing User: | lib. psdku. univawalbros |
Date Deposited: | 30 May 2024 07:10 |
Last Modified: | 30 May 2024 07:10 |
URI: | |
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